I believe that great outcomes from surgery on the face are achieved with a thoughtful plan, meticulous surgery and a sound post-operative plan. Cosmetic facial surgery and reconstructive facial surgery are closely linked. The lessons in reconstruction are valuable for cosmetic surgery and vice versa. Internationally, the best facial cosmetic surgeons are those with a strong reconstructive foundation in Craniofacial surgery. Facelift surgery is a complex surgery with a number of different ways to deliver great results – but needs to be tailored to the individual.
My training was in New Zealand as a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. Spending 18 months in Brisbane and another 12 months in Toronto, my training in Craniofacial surgery was comprehensive and the lessons learned from those days are carried through today.
In public practice, I work at Starship Childrens Hospital and clinics at Middlemore Hospital with a subspecialty focus in Cleft and Craniofacial Surgery as well as Paediatric Plastic Surgery. In private practice I focus on facial aesthetic surgery such as Facelifting as well as facial skin cancer treatment.
I support the education and collegiality of my chosen sub-specialty by teaching the next generation of Plastic Surgeons and taking up leadership roles where I have been President of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Craniomaxillofacial Surgeons from 2018-2022 and NZ Association of Plastic Surgeons President from 2018 to 2020.
Another interest is volunteering in developing countries to treat patients with cleft lip and palate and other craniofacial conditions. I am on the Medical Advisory Committee for Operation Smile. I was named a Paul Harris Fellow by Rotary Auckland for work with children with congenital facial differences.
Importantly, I really enjoy performing surgery on the face. It is technically challenging, detailed and precise work but I find personally rewarding and satisfying delivering beautiful results to my patients.
This Whakataukī (saying) resonates with me:
Mā te rongo ka mohio,
Mā te mohio ka marama
Mā te marama ka matau
Mā te matau ka ora
Through listening comes awareness
Through awareness comes understanding
Through understanding comes knowledge
Through knowledge comes life and wellbeing
Ko Takitimu te Maunga
Ko Aparima te Awa
Ko Ōraka Aparima te Rūnaka
Ko Ngāi Tahu te iwi
Tēnā koutou kātoa
Your Journey
We offer an initial no-charge cosmetic appointment with one of our Plastic Surgery Nurses to meet at our office and go through the thoughts you may have for surgery. This appointment is about understanding what might be possible with surgery and giving you a chance to meet our staff and feel what the practice is like.
You are welcome to proceed straight to a Surgeon Consultation with me. We will go through what your goals are, examine your face and tailor a plan. There is a charge for this appointment but the subsequent second consultation appointment is at no charge.
Following the first consultation we will provide you with some reading information about the proposed procedure, a letter with a summary of the consultation and an estimate for what I would expect the planned procedure to cost. It may be that this estimate changes as we further discuss and consider what procedure or procedures are needed to achieve the results that you seek.
Once you have booked in the procedure, the Anaesthetist will be in touch just prior to the operation if you are having a general anaesthetic. The operation will either be at 243 Surgical Centre which is on the ground floor of our office or it could be at Auckland Surgical Centre in St Marks Road.
We will be careful to provide all the information we think is important for you to understand during your recovery. It is likely that you may have other questions during your recovery or concerns about how you are healing. We are here to help and we can answer your questions during your post-operative appointments or feel free to call us at the office. We do have an afterhours contact number which should be for urgent concerns.